Source code for mpm.hooks

import logging
import os
import subprocess as sp
import sys

import path_helpers as ph

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def on_plugin_install(plugin_directory, ostream=sys.stdout): ''' Run ``on_plugin_install`` script for specified plugin directory (if available). **TODO** Add support for Linux, OSX. Parameters ---------- plugin_directory : str File system to plugin directory. ostream :file-like Output stream for status messages (default: ``sys.stdout``). ''' current_directory = os.getcwd() plugin_directory = ph.path(plugin_directory).realpath() print >> ostream, ('Processing post-install hook for: ' '{}'.format( hooks_dir_i = plugin_directory.joinpath('hooks/Windows').realpath() hook_path_i = hooks_dir_i.joinpath('on_plugin_install.bat') if hook_path_i.isfile():'Processing post-install hook for: %s', os.chdir(hook_path_i.parent) try: process = sp.Popen([hook_path_i, sys.executable], shell=True, stdin=sp.PIPE) # Emulate return key press in case plugin uses # "Press <enter> key to continue..." prompt. process.communicate(input='\r\n') if process.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError('Process return code == {}' .format(process.returncode)) return hook_path_i except Exception, exception: raise RuntimeError('Error running: {}\n{}'.format(hook_path_i, exception)) finally: os.chdir(current_directory)